Accessible, High Precision Data Enables Safer Flights for the Connected Aircraft Ecosystem

Real-time, Precision Airport & Vertiport Navigation

Research Triangle, NC – May 5, 2021 – SmartSky Networks announced today that Performance Software, the leader in safety-critical engineering services and precision navigation data, has joined forces with SmartSky to bring real-time, high precision digital mapping databases to the aviation community. Piloted and autonomous aviation companies, including those in Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), will benefit from the combination of Performance Software’s dynamic airport, helipad, and vertiport databases that are now accessible on SmartSky Network’s unique data exchange service, Skytelligence®.

“There is a growing demand for critical, real-time data in the aviation industry and most recently AAM and AAM. By utilizing our continuously updated map data and the Skytelligence data exchange platform, our customers can quickly develop their navigation-related apps for use in airports and urban areas,” said Performance Software’s Head of Products, Michael Johnson.

Rich Pilock, SmartSky VP of Product noted, “The Performance Software data service is a bell-weather of the growing connected aircraft ecosystem and its ability to deliver improved safety, efficiency, and comfort. We anticipate this offering to be the first of many collaborations as more data providers and aerospace application developers connect through Skytelligence.”

Performance Software’s Airport Mapping Databases (AMDBs) are now available for download on Skytelligence where they can be fused with other data such as Notices to Airmen (NOTAMS), through a common storefront that provides application developers with instant access to global data required to deliver real-time, critical advisory applications. The simple, scalable, and secure interface accelerates the development of safety centric advisory applications including those needed for the rapidly expanding AAM and AAM industries.

Recently, a developer utilizing the AMDB data and Skytelligence quickly and seamlessly merged precision airport data with NOTAMs and localized weather data to produce timely alerts and enhance situational awareness for pilots and operators. This innovative service enables the delivery of information critical for safe departure, approach, and on-ground navigation of piloted and autonomous aircraft.

About SmartSky

SmartSky Networks was founded to transform aviation through disruptive communications technologies and related tools. SmartSky is rolling out its innovative air-to-ground network in 2021. The network takes advantage of patented spectrum reuse, advanced beamforming technologies and 60 MHz of spectrum for significantly enhanced connectivity. SmartSky’s network uniquely enables an “office in the sky” experience with unmatched capacity for data transmissions both to and from the aircraft. This real-time, low latency, bidirectional data link makes SmartSky the best in-flight user experience, and a key enabler for new and enhanced applications and services.


Media Contact:
Brit Wanick, +1 415-717-3899

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