At the 39th Annual Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) in the fall of 2020, Performance Software made two presentations covering the future of urban air mobility (AAM) and some of the solutions we are providing to this emerging field.

We invite you to view the video presentations and technical papers below.

DASC 2020

“Precision Four-Dimensional Digital Mapping Teaches Humans and Machines to See in the Dark” (Precision Navigation Team)

Presenters: Julian Thomson and Mike Karalewich

  • Performance Software’s high-precision digital mapping for piloted and autonomous aerospace systems uses the latest technology to help aviators with safe and efficient navigation.
  • Performance Software’s proprietary tool integrates data collected from sensors and always-connected aircraft to deliver mapping databases five to 10 times more accurate than what’s flying today.
  • This paper will help you learn more about these innovative tools, how they improve accuracy, safety, and efficiency because they are updated close to real-time.

“Continuous Testing and Deployment for Advanced Air Mobility” (JETS Product Team)

Presenters: Mike Johnson, Chris Elsberry, and Bryan Leinwand

  • Learn why the Performance Software JETS team believes it’s absolutely critical for urban air mobility (AAM) developers to leverage DevOps development practices.
  • Traditional development practices and tools are insufficient for AAM development and the challenges faced including regulatory requirements, cyber threats, and development time and cost.
  • Integration of DevOps principles such as continuous testing and deployment help AAM manufacturers respond quickly to the rapidly changing AAM market.

Interested in learning more about our presentations and solutions? Talk to an expert today.

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