Performance MapRenderer

Rapid Development from Concept to Reality


Performance MapRenderer is a commercial off-the-shelf software development kit. Create scalable 2D- and 3D-interactive digital maps using OPENGL 2.0+, with built-in support for terrain, satellite, boundaries, and Points of Interest layers. Rapidly prototype applications and transition to production at a significantly reduced time and cost.


  • Portable
  • Cross-platform supports for Windows, iOS, Android, Embedded, Linux, and OSX
  • OS abstraction for cursor (mouse) events, touch gestures, threading, tasking, network, and file IO
  • Easy-to-use protocol to request data from distributed datasets (terrain, imagery, weather, POIs, etc.)
  • Develop on platform of choice, independent of target platform
  • Enables Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) using graphics development tool of choice
  • Built-in support includes pgn, jpg, tga, bmp, csv, txt, xml, json, and zip


  • Optimized imagery and terrain datasets minimize storage requirements
    Allows creation of a font from any TrueType font (includes international character support)
  • Creates complex scenes with static and dynamic content
  • Font Builder standalone application
  • Provides window management and UI widgets (tabs, buttons, menus, etc.) for easy manipulation of graphical application
  • Real-time graphical display functionality for embedded avionics, UAV controllers, tactical control, and in-flight entertainment

Experience Performance MapRenderer

Contact us today for more information about Performance MapRenderer solutions.

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