DO-178B/C Certification
Performance Software is the trusted source for DO-178B/C certification. As experts in regulatory requirements, our team can support yours with any verification activities associated with DO-178B/C certification, including testing, inspecting, reviewing, and structural coverage. We also provide a turnkey solution for certification that covers everything from planning and development to verification and certification. Our experienced team understands the DO-178B/C process, and we get excellent results.
Benefits of outsourcing your DO-178B/C certification to Performance Software
When you shift the responsibility for certification and leave all aspects of DO-178B/C certification to us, your team can focus its entire attention on what it does best. Coordination between development and verification teams improves, while misunderstanding of processes and standards are minimized. That leads to more efficient project execution with fewer quality issues.
What DO-178B/C Certification includes
When you partner with Performance Software to take care of the details of DO-178B/C certification, we will:
- Create (or resuse) DO-178B/C planning documents
- Integrate onto target hardware
- Create certification documents including the Software Accomplishment Summary and Software Conformity Report
- Develop requirements, design, and code
- Verify requirements per DO-178B/C
Our DO-178B/C certification services also include:
- Software Quality Assurance (SQA)
- (Optional) DER services
Our services are structured to minimize your team’s involvement in the certification process and give you a fully implemented, verified, and certified software product at the end.
As part of our standard process with DO-178B/C projects, we reference previously certified products. This ensures we minimize risk and take credit with the certification authority on previously developed artifacts. Our team is adaptable and can work with customer planning documents from previous certifications, provide our own documents, or adopt a mixed approach—whatever is best and most efficient for the software life cycle. Similarly, the configuration management environment can be customized to use Performance Software tools or your tools. Ultimately, we make the certification process as productive as possible.